It is in recognition of the company under the premise of personality, in a specific legal relationship the companies and shareholders in the independent personality denied, the company behind the direct recourse members of the responsibility to regulate the system. 它在承认公司具有法人格的前提下,对特定法律关系中的公司及股东的独立人格加以否认,直接追索公司背后成员的责任,以规制滥用法人格的现象。
Multinational companies are the absolute subjects of the overseas direct investment, while overseas direct investment is the most important measure and form multinational companies have recourse to in the organization of economic activities worldwide. 跨国公司是跨国直接投资的绝对的主体,而跨国直接投资又是跨国公司在世界范围内组织经济活动最主要的手段和形式。